14. Hosea, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah

  God Speaks to His People

God spoke to his people through these “minor” prophets during the time recorded in 2 Kings 14 and 2 Chronicles 21 and 26. Before we get too far away from the latter days of Israel and Judah, it would be good to see what God spoke to his people through these prophets. Life as a prophet was not easy. God expected the prophet to proclaim His message, sometimes with his own life.
 Map of Israel and surrounding nations   “Courtesy of The Bible Study Site at BibleStudy.org.”
HoseaGod wants his wandering bride to come back                                                   For your convenienceBible online

Ch.1 Hosea’s wife and children                                                                                               Ch.2 God loves Israel even though they are unfaithful                                                       Ch.3 God wants Israel to return to him                                                                               Ch.4 Lawless Israel                                                                                                                   Ch.5 When life is difficult they will seek God                                                                       Ch.6 Hosea calls for repentance                                                                                           Ch.7 Israel looks to other countries for help rather than to God                                     Ch.8 Israel has rejected God                                                                                                   Ch.9 God will not bless them while they rebel against him                                               Ch.10 Israel will reap what they sow                                                                                     Ch.11  God loves Israel, but his heart is breaking                                                                 Ch.12 God reminisces about Jacob (Israel)                                                                           Ch.13 After God brought them out of Israel they were disloyal                                       Ch.14  God pleads for them to return so he can bless them


Why did God tell Hosea to take a harlot for his wife?  (1:2)
What did the birth of Jezreel foretell?  (1:4)
What did Lo-Ruhamah mean?  (1:6)
What did Lo-Ammi mean?  (1:9)
Who did she forget?  (2:13)
What charge did God bring against Israel?  (4:1)
Why won’t the people find the Lord?  (5:6)
When would God respond to them?  (5:15)
What did Hosea say to the people?  (6:1-3)
Why was God displeased with Israel?  (8:4)
What did God tell them to do?  (10:12)
What did they do wrong?  (10:13)
Though they were bent on backsliding, could God give them up?  (11:7-8)
Had God left them alone all these years?  (12:9-10)
What happened as a result of their prosperity?  (13:4-6)
What did Hosea encourage the people to do to prevent further calamity?  (14:1-3)
What would God do?  (14:4)
AmosSeek the Lord                                                                                                                               For your convenienceBible online

Ch.1 Judgments against nations who mistreated Israel                                              Ch.2 Judgments against Moab, Judah, and Israel                                                         Ch.3 God uses His prophet to proclaim His message                                                  Ch.4 Israel refuses to return to God                                                                              Ch.5 Amos calls the people to seek God and live                                                        Ch.6 Warning against trusting in their apparent prosperity                                     Ch.7 Amos defends his calling to be a prophet                                                            Ch.8 Israel hurries through what God has asked so they can do what they want  Ch.9 After destruction, a time of blessing will come when God restores Israel


How many groups of people did God prophesy against through Amos in chapters 1-2? List them.
Who did the Lord, through Amos, speak against in chapter 3? Why?
What five punishments did God cause in hopes His people will turn back to Him?(4:6,7,9,10,11)
Who were the people dealing with in this passage?  (4:13)
What did Amos ask the people to do that they might live?  (5:4,6,14)
Who was king at this time?  (7:10; 2 Kings 14:23)
Was Amos a self-appointed prophet?  (7:14-15)
Could anyone hide from coming destruction?  (9:2-4) Compare with Psalm 139:7-12.
ObadiahWhat you have done will come back to you                                                                 For your convenienceBible online
Who were the people of Edom?  (Genesis 36)
Why did God speak through Obadiah the calamity to Edom?  (v.11-14)
JonahGod wants all to repent                         map showing Nineveh                                         For your convenienceBible online

  Ch.1 Jonah runs from God                                                                                               Ch.2 God hears Jonah’s prayer                                                                                     Ch.3 People of Nineveh respond to Jonah’s preaching                                             Ch.4 Jonah is angry at God


Why was Jonah in trouble?  (1:2-3)
Did he finally obey?  (3:3)
How did the people respond to his preaching?  (3:5-10)
Was Jonah happy with the results?  (4:1)
How did God respond to Jonah’s anger?  (4:10-11)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

The next lesson includes four minor prophets, minor because their books are short, not that their message is less important. A lot can be learned about the character of God from what He speaks through these men. 

I especially like Habakkuk. Boldly he questioned God, then respectfully waited to see how God would answer him. He must have had great trust in God.

Your Bible knowledge is growing. Keep up the good work!