35. Psalms Pt.5

Book 5  –  Psalms 107-150 

Book 5 of Psalms was written to encourage people to worship and praise God.  David wrote Psalms 108-110, 122, 124, 131, 133, 138-145, and Solomon wrote Psalm 127.  The remaining psalms are by anonymous writers.                                                                                                                         For your convenienceBible online
Ch.107 God’s deliverance comes when people cry out to Him.
Ch.108 David expressing his faith in God
Ch.109 David asks for help from his enemies
Ch.110 Foretelling of the Messiah
Ch.111 Praise to the Lord
Ch.112 Blessed is the one who fears the Lord  Fear of God?
Ch.113-114 Praise God for his kindness and deliverance
Ch.115 Futility of idol worship
Ch.116 Grateful to be spared death
Ch.117-118 Encouragement to praise God
Ch.119 Acrostic about God’s marvelous truths
Ch.120-134 Songs of Ascents What are Songs of Ascent?
Ch.135-136 God’s fame and mercy will endure forever
Ch.137-138 Longing for home and God’s goodness
Ch.139 God knows all about each person
Ch.140-141 Prayer for deliverance from evil people and to keep himself from being evil
Ch.142-143 A prayer for relief from persecutors
Ch.144-145 Songs of praise written by David
Ch.146-150 Songs of praise
What phrases are repeated in 107:6,13,19 and 28?
What phrases are repeated in 107:8, 15, 21, and 31?
How far do God’s mercy and truth reach?  (108:4)
What words from 110:1,4 are repeated in Hebrews 1:13 and 5:6?
What is the beginning of wisdom?  (111:10)
Who is blessed?  (112:1)
Describe idols.  (115:4-7)
How many sections are in Psalm 119?
How many verses in each section of Psalm 119?
In Psalm 119 what terms represent the word of God?  There are ten.
Does God want us to worry?  (127:1-2)
Who would be able to stand before God if He always kept records of our iniquities(sins)?  (130:3-4)
What phrase is repeated in Psalm 136?
Where can a person go where God is not?  (139:7-12)
When does God first know about us?  (139:13,16)
How does David describe God?  (145:8-9)
What in space praises God?  (148:1-5)
What elements in nature praise God?  (148:8)
What animals are to praise God?  (148:7,10)
Who are instructed to praise God?  (148:11,12)
How are we to worship?  (149:1,3)
What instruments are used in worship?  (150:3-5)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

If God came to you in a dream and told you to ask for anything and He would give it to you, what would you ask for?

God came to young King Solomon and did that very thing. What did Solomon ask for? What was God’s response? Read the wise sayings in Proverbs.