46. Acts Pt.2

Paul and the Apostles Spread the Gospel 

In the second part of the book of Acts, Christianity spread as the apostles traveled throughout the region carrying the message of repentance and baptism to both Jew and Gentile.  Paul took a second and a third missionary with Silas, leaving Barnabas to take Mark with him.                                                                                                                                                                                     For your convenience – Bible online 
Ch.15 Essential Christian behavior for the Gentiles
Ch.16 Silas joins Paul on his second missionary journey
Ch.17 Paul and Silas rejected at Thessalonica  Paul’s second journey
Ch.18 Paul spends time in Corinth
Ch.19 Riot in Ephesus
Ch.20 Pastoral word to the disciples in Ephesus
Ch.21 Paul’s journey to Jerusalem
Ch.22 Paul speaks from the top of the stairs
Ch.23 Plot to kill Paul foiled  Caesarea
Ch.24 Paul’s defense before Felix
Ch.25 Paul before Festus
Ch.26 Paul’s appeal to King Agrippa
Ch.27 Paul’s voyage to Rome
Ch.28 Paul in Rome
What was the disagreement between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians?  (15:1)
What was the decision?  (15:28-29)
Why did the slave girl’s master have Paul and Silas arrested?  (16:16-19)
Did Paul and Silas escape after the earthquake?  (16:25-28)
Who did Paul teach about?  (17:23-25)
What was Paul’s source of income, his occupation?  (18:1-3)
How long was Paul at Corinth?  (18:11)
His second journey ended at ____________________.  (18:19,22)
What happened to the seven sons of Sceva?  (19:13-16)
What caused the riot in Ephesus?  (19:23-27)
Why were the believers sad when Paul left for Jerusalem?  (20:38)
Describe the prophecy by Agabus about Paul.  (21:10-11)
Why were the people angry with Paul?  (21:28)
Where did the garrison commander take Paul?  (21:34)
Why did the commander need to be careful how he handled Paul as a prisoner?  (22:25-29)
What was the conspiracy against Paul?  (23:15)
How was their plan foiled?  (23:16-24)
How long was Paul kept at Herod’s Praetorium?  (23:35; 24:27)
Did Festus pronounce judgment on Paul?  (25:12)
Why did Festus want King Agrippa to hear Paul?  (25:25-27)
Before he became a believer, how had Paul treated the Christians?  (26:10-11)
Why had the Jews tried to kill Paul?  (26:19-21)
What kept Paul from being set free?  (26:32)
How long had they endured stormy weather on the trip to Rome?  (27:27)
What happened to Paul that caused the local people to first think he was a murderer, then that he was a god?  (28:3-6)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

As you study the letter to the Romans, you will get a clear picture of what faith in Christ means.

Is there any person good enough to go to heaven?

If you are a believer, do you struggle to live right? Don’t think you are alone. Even Paul despaired of getting it right. Apostle Paul? Yes, Paul. Did he find freedom from the tendency to sin? Will sin have dominion over us? What can be done?

Can anything be done? Has it already been done? What about the words “know” and “reckon”?