24. Ezekiel Pt.3

Israel will be restored 

Ezekiel prophesied that the people have willingly followed their leaders who led them astray.  In his time, God would restore Israel and repair the damage they had done to His name.                                                                                                                                                                                             For your convenienceBible online
Ch.33 Ezekiel is chosen to be a watchman
Ch.34 Irresponsible leaders – see John 10:1-34; Isaiah 40:11
Ch.35 Word against people in Mt. Seir for their boasting against God
Ch.36 God will restore their land and cleanse his people’s sin
Ch.37 Dry bones brought to life
Ch.38 Prophecy against a northern king – Gog
Ch.39 Gog and his terrible horde will be destroyed
Ch.40-43 Precise plans for a new temple  vision of temple
Ch.44 Rules for those who enter the temple
Ch.45 Area surrounding the temple
Ch.46 Laws for offerings and worship
Ch.47 Healing water, borders of the land
Ch.48 Land divided among the tribes   Division of the land among the tribes
Will God hold Ezekiel responsible for getting His message to the people? Explain. (33:1-9)
Who will be saved—the good who sin, or the wicked who repent and turn from sin?  (33:12-19; Matthew 21:28-31; James 1:22)
What did God have against the shepherds of His people?  (34:3-4)
What will God do to help?  (34:23-24)
Why prophesy against Mt. Seir?  (35:5)
Why was God against His people?  (36:18-21)
When will the nations know that He is the Lord God?  (36:23)
What will God do with Israel in the end?  (36:24-30)
What was in the valley?  (37:1)
What was Ezekiel to prophesy?  (37:3-6)
What do the two sticks represent?  (37:19)
How did that prophecy apply to Israel?  (37:21)
Where will Gog come from and how big is his army?  (38:15)
When will Gog attack Israel?  (38:16)
How bad will the earthquake be?  (38:19-20)
What will rain down on the troops of Gog?  (38:22)
What will happen after the defeat of Gog?  (39:7)
How long will it take to bury the dead from the war with Gog?  (39:12)
During the 25th year of their captivity, where was Ezekiel taken in a vision?  (40:1-2)
What was on each gatepost in the temple?  (40:16)
Describe the glory of God he saw.  (43:1-3)
What happened to the eastern gate? Why?  (44:1-2)
Which priests will God allow to minister before Him?  (44:15)
When would the gate facing east be opened?  (46:1)
How many gates are there in the city?  (48:30-34)
Will the gates have names for ease of identification?  (48:31)
Name the gates for the north side.  (48:31)
Name the gates for the east side.  (48:32)
Name the gates for the south side.  (48:33)
Name the gates for the west side.  (48:34)

What will be the name of that future city?  (48:35)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

The next lesson is about, Esther, a young girl chosen to be queen. Was she excited about being chosen? Why did the king need a new queen? What happened to the other queen? Will life be a bed of roses for Esther? Will her life be in danger?