51. Galatians

Law vs. Grace 

In the book of Galatians, Paul wrote to the church in Galatia when he heard of those trying to impose the Jewish law on the believers.  In their confusion, they tried to combine law and grace.                                                                                                                                                                             For your convenienceBible online                                                                 Map of Galatia
Ch.1 Turning away from the true gospel to another
Ch.2 Grace is not achieved by fulfilling the demands of the law
Ch.3 No one is justified by works
Ch.4 Those who are believers are heirs of God through Jesus Christ
Ch.5 Remain in the liberty of faith and grace
Ch.6 As a body of believers, they needed to take care of each other
What amazed Paul about the believers in Galatia?  (1:6-7)
What had the churches in Judea heard about Paul?  (1:23)
Christ could have died in vain under what conditions?  (2:21)
What was counted for Abraham as righteousness?  (3:6)
Why is living by the law cursed?  (3:10)
How is a believer Abraham’s seed?  (3:16,29)
What distinction did Paul make in 4:9?
What were the names of Abraham’s two sons?  (4:22,28; Genesis 16:1-16; 21:1-12)
If a believing Jew is circumcised, what happens to his faith?  (5:2-3)
How does a believer keep from doing what is wrong?  (5:16)
List the works of the flesh.  (5:19-21) Check the dictionary for unfamiliar words.
List the fruits of the Spirit.  (5:22-23)
Are these fruits of the believer’s efforts or from the Spirit?  (5:22)
How are believers to treat those who fall and sin?  (6:1)

What amounts to nothing?  (6:15)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

Are you ready to find out who believers are in Christ Jesus? Paul’s letter to the believers in Ephesus uses the words “in Him” multiple times.

If you are a believer, who are you?

If you are a believer, how are you to “walk” or live?