50. 2 Corinthians

Paul’s Defense 

In 2 Corinthians, Apostle Paul wrote again to the church in Corinth, this time in defense of his apostleship.  Although he wasn’t a very imposing person, and he used to persecute the church so that he considered himself the least of all the apostles, God had appointed him to be an apostle.                                          
 For your convenience – Bible online 
Ch.1 Paul reports the trouble they had in Ephesus  Achaia
Ch.2 Welcome back the offender with forgiveness
Ch.3 The message of the gospel is liberty in Christ
Ch.4 Difficulties in ministering the gospel
Ch.5 Ministry of reconciliation    Ambassador
Ch.6 Unequally yoked
Ch.7 Paul’s previous letter brought sorrow that led to repentance
Ch.8 Bring monetary gifts from Macedonia
Ch.9 Cheerfully giving to those in Jerusalem
Ch.10 Paul’s spiritual authority is limited to what God has given him
Ch.11 Paul reluctantly boasts
Ch.12 Paul has seen heavenly visions
Ch.13 Paul will visit them again
What trouble did they have in Asia?  (1:8; Acts 19:21-41)
How did they conduct themselves?  (1:12)
Paul said that they preached the gospel with sincerity, not like some others who did what?  (2:17)
The Spirit gives ___________, the letter  _______________.  (3:6)
Who blinds the minds of unbelievers?  (4:4)
How had life been for Paul and Timothy?  (1:1; 4:8-9)
Even though his physical body was wearing out, what was happening to his spirit?  (4:16)
Describe a person in Christ.  (5:17)
What is the ministry of reconciliation?  (5:18-19)
List the troubles Paul and Timothy had.  (6:4-10)
What did Paul warn the believers regarding relationships?  (6:14-16)
What was Paul’s defense?  (7:2)
Describe the sorrow Paul was talking about?  (7:8-9)
Does godly sorrow bring about a good result?  (7:10)
Why did Paul remind them to have their monetary gifts ready when he came?  (9:4)
What were some people saying about Paul?  (10:10)
Who is approved?  (10:18)
What did Paul tell about himself in his defense?  (11:22-27)
How was Paul’s thorn in the flesh described?  (12:7)
Why did Paul take pleasure in rough times?  (12:10)
Why will Paul mourn for some of the believers?  (12:21)
This would be the __________visit.  (13:1)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

The early church had its problems with doctrinal differences. Jewish Christian versus Gentile Christian? What do they do with their Jewish faith, traditions, and laws? Paul says it is only by faith in his letter to the Galatians.

Paul warns them that some were perverting the gospel by putting regulations on the believers. What was the problem?

Why is working for salvation wrong, cursed? Has Christ died in vain? When can His death not benefit us?