34. Psalms Pt.4

Book 4 –  Psalms 90-106 

Psalms Book 4. Moses wrote Psalm 90, and David wrote Psalms 101 and 103.  The remaining psalms are by anonymous writers.                                                                                       For your convenienceBible online
Ch.90 God is eternal
Ch.91 God is our protector if we will live in Him
Ch.92 It is good to give thanks to God
Ch.94 The wicked are foolish
Ch.95 A call to worship and faith  (Compare 95:8-11 with Numbers 14:1-24 and Hebrews 3:7-12)
Ch.96 Worship the Lord in humility
Ch.97 God reigns over all
Ch.98 Joyfully praise God
Ch.99 God is holy  (see 1 Peter 1:15-16 and Revelation 15:3-4)
Ch.100 Call to worship
Ch.101 David wants to rid himself of sin
Ch.102 A cry for help to a God who lives forever
Ch.103 The Lord is good, kind, and merciful
Ch.104 God has made all the world and all in it
Ch.105 Retelling of Israel’s  history from Joseph through the Exodus
Ch.106 Further retelling of Israel’s history
How long has God existed?  (90:2)
Why should we be aware of the length of our life?  (90:12)
If we abide under His wings, of what do we not need to be afraid?  (91:5-6)
List the instruments used to praise God.  (92:3)
What is the Lord mightier than?  (93:3-4)
Does God see and hear everything?  (94:8-11)
Why should people worship God?  (95:3)
What are verses 95:8-11 referring to?  (see Numbers 13:31 through 14:1-24)
What is glory?  (96:7-8)  Glory
What is the foundation of God’s throne?  (97:2)
What in nature can praise God?  (98:7-8)
God was what to Moses, Aaron, and Samuel?  (99:8)
What are we to know/acknowledge?  (100:3)
What two characteristics of God will last forever?  (100:5)
How does the writer describe his situation?  (102:6-7)
What will grow old and be thrown away like an old garment?  (102:25-26)
List the benefits of God.  (103:3-5)
Describe God.  (103:8-10)
How great is God’s mercy?  (103:11)
How far are our sins removed from us?  (103:12; Isaiah 43:25)
With what does God clothe Himself?  (104:1-2)
How long will the psalmist worship God?  (104:33)

What was Israel’s downfall?  (106:13)

A note from your Bible study mentor – 

As you read the Psalms that David wrote, try to write down a description of what you learned about David’s concept of God. Did he struggle with his faith? Did he find help? Did his struggles cause him to turn from God, or did they lead him to God? Read his words in Lesson 35 – Psalms Pt.5.

When life gets complicated, you might go to the Psalms and read what others wrote when they felt discouraged.