02. Exodus

  Exodus from Egypt

At the end of Genesis, Israel and his family had moved to Egypt seeking relief from a famine. That family stayed and grew to 2-3 million people. In Genesis 15,  God promised Abraham he would be the father of a great nation, and they would have their own land. Now four centuries later, it was time. A Hebrew boy, Moses, miraculously survived babyhood to become God’s chosen, but reluctant, leader for his people.                                    For your convenienceBible online
Ch.1 Hebrew population grew, and Egyptian ruler is concerned
Ch.2-3 Moses called  (3:14; Hebrews 11:23-29)
Ch.4-11 His dealings with the Pharaoh
Ch.12  Passover  (see Hebrews 9:12,14,22,24,26;  10:1,4,14)
Ch.13-18 Journey out of Egypt begins, God provides for them
Ch.19 God meets them at Mt. Sinai  (19:5,12,18)
Ch.20 Ten Commandments  (see Romans 3:23) no one could keep all the law
Ch.21-31 Various laws and procedures
Ch.32 People turn to worship something they made;  (see Acts 7:17-41)
Ch.33-34 Moses’ relationship with God  (see Psalm 145:8-9)
Ch.35-40 Tabernacle and furnishings  Tabernacle and furnishings

How old was Moses when he saw the mistreatment of the Hebrew slaves and killed one of the slave masters?  (Acts. 7:22-24)
How many years passed from the time he ran away to Midian and tended sheep to the time when God called him from the burning bush?  (Acts 7:30)
What did God call himself?  (3:14)
How many plagues were there?  (Chapters 7-11)
What was the final plague?  (Ch.11)
What were the Hebrews to do to protect their families from the death of their firstborn?  (12:7)
Who was to see the blood?  (12:13)
Was the ground dry when the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea or was the water shallow?  (14:21-22)
What happened when the Egyptian army tried to follow them?  (14:24-28)
How did God provide for their nourishment?  (16:9-16)
What was the complaint of the crowd of Israelites?  (17:1-3)
What did Moses do?  (17:4)
How did God provide for them?  (17:5-6)
What are the ten commandments?  (20:3,4,7,8,12,13,14,15,16,17) Briefly list them.
How many times were the men to present themselves before God each year?  (23:17)
How did Moses respond to God’s anger at the people? (32:7-13)
If God refused to forgive the people, what would Moses request? (32:32)
What did the people do each time Moses went into the tabernacle?  (33:7-11)
How did God talk with Moses?  (33:11)
Who stayed in the tabernacle longer than Moses?  (33:11)
What sets these people apart from all other people?  (33:15-16)
What part of God was Moses allowed to see?  (33:23)
How did God describe Himself?  (34:6-7)
When Moses came down from the mountain what did he look like?  (34:29-35)
Where did the supplies come from for the building of the tabernacle and its furnishings? (35:5-29; 11:1-3; 12:35-36)
What guided the people on their journey?  (40:34-38)

 A note from your Bible study mentor – 

You have made it through the first two books. Great! Do you feel good about knowing more than when you first started this journey? You can do this!

The next book will be Leviticus which can be a dry book, but it does have some treasures. I find it interesting that God provided laws that would protect his people from the spread of disease. Also, there is a lot of typology in this book. The sacrifices, the feasts, and the tabernacle all have meanings that foretell the Messiah.

       Here is a link to some information about their seven yearly feasts.   Seven Yearly Feasts